Your experience with Flow Disc
It is amazing how varied and rich the experiences of Flow Disc users are. Flow Disc seems to be a powerful Cosmic portal. It turns out to be an entirely new or novel tool for self-development. Its wide-ranging effects therefore continually surprise and amaze us. We think it will only be good if we share these experiences with each other, to expand our horizons. Below you will find the authentic experiences of Flow Disc users.
This is our heartfelt thanks to Flow Disc users for sharing their personal experiences with us. We wish you to EnJOY life, and may you experience valuable moments with Flow Disc.
Jana Stadaniova
“The first few days, based on your recommendations, were just sort of getting acquainted. I have already written to you that I have a cat, a British blue. She avoids human touch, and lacks that famous feline affection. Since day one, Flow Disc has been her place to lie on several times a day. I’ve had her for almost 5 years now and believe me, she won’t touch anything. But why am I writing to you mainly about her…. Because I think animals are smarter than us because they stay connected. And if anyone is going to evaluate anything, it’s going to be her in this case. When I use Flow Disc, wherever she is, she comes running to me. She follows me with her gaze, lingering on a cat for an unprecedented amount of time. It’s so strange. Like she’s seeing something else. She perceives me differently. And if I touch her in that Flow state, she can’t get enough of the touch.
In contact with Flow Disc, it’s as if my physical body has given way in priority to something else. Like in meditation. With the difference that I don’t have to do anything with the Disc. I just stand on it and surrender to it. It’s a connection. It’s like a connection between “Heaven and Earth”. In meditation I lose myself in unity, with the Flow Disc I become more aware of perhaps a subtle body. But that connection is the most important and the most powerful. It is as if the Flow Disc, through the touch of my feet, roots my body in the Earth, but sends my Soul Home.”
Stanislav Rössler, M.D.
“At first I had a Flow Disc under my bed, but at night I had to put it away, I couldn’t sleep, that was at the beginning, now I don’t mind anymore and I sleep well. Otherwise, I don’t feel any sensations subjectively, but my daughter Zuzana (she has a crystal pyramid and a crystal cup from you) feels vibrations all over her body, trembling in her stomach and dizziness in her head, she prefers not to go to it much if she is with us. It is too strong for her. She herself is very sensitive to energies in general. My wife feels vibrations in her feet when she stands barefoot on the Flow Disc. I often use the muscle test at work, I did a little experiment at home: for my wife, the muscle test showed a weak reaction in the lumbar patella and colon, then she stood on the Flow Disc and the muscle was firm, repeatedly. Even the muscle test is solid when she stands on the Disc and has her cell phone to her head, which is otherwise impossible without the Flow Disc. The experiment was the same with me, my wife can do the muscle test, the arm is firm everywhere, even with the cell phone near my head, if I stand on the Flow Disc.”
Vladislav Vystrcil
“At the beginning of May, I decided to buy my wife a Flow Disc, it arrived within a week and as my wife’s birthday isn’t until July I needed to store it. To make sure she didn’t find it in the house, I took it to the cottage in the garden. I treated the Flow Disc like a living being, I named it the Blue (it was a basic blue disc). I took it out of the box, put it on the table and brought it out into the sun every day when I came to the cottage. I’m a car mechanic and have a big car cart in my backyard, so I put Blue on it and told him to get his energy from the sun shining and from the Universe. I explained that he wasn’t going to heal me, but my wife. Then I went back to work and after work, I put Blue back in the hut on the table again.
My 65th birthday was a week away. When the clutch had to be replaced and the transmission had to be removed from the car, my back went out. I finished the job, but the next day I couldn’t move. It was clear that I would not celebrate my birthday with friends, but probably alone in bed. Because I didn’t want to give up, I went to the garden, pulled out Blue, leaned my back against the cart on which he was laid, and wondered what I would do if I couldn’t move. At that moment my back was so sore that it was unbearable, so I said it was just for tying tomatoes. When I finished working with the tomatoes, I went to clean up the scattered compost that the blackbirds always spread. I took a shovel and raked all the compost and as I put the shovel away I realized that I was doing a job I couldn’t have done in the morning and that my back didn’t hurt. I went and leaned against the cart again and wondered what had happened and that’s when my back started hurting again. I realised it was the Blue doing it. It was reacting to me. So I took off my shoes and stood on the cart and asked him for energy and healing. After a while, I found that gradually my ankles began to hurt, then my knees, my hips and the pain in my back worsened. It lasted about five to ten minutes. After ten minutes the pain began to decrease to about a third. After fifteen minutes I got off the Blue and as I walked around the garden I found that the pain had reduced to about a third compared to the morning. I repeated this the next day, and on the third day, I was walking like a young fellow.
Then my daughter arrived and her ankle hurt, so I told her my story and told her to try it. My daughter was very sceptical at first, but eventually went with me to the garden. After she got on Blue and asked him for energy and healing, her knees started to hurt. Gradually the pain got worse and after a few minutes, the pain in her ankle and lower back joined in. It was obvious that it was having a slightly different effect on her than it was on me, but the main thing was that it was working. After fifteen minutes she came down from the Blue and said her knees still hurt. Within ten minutes, however, the pain was completely gone and her ankle, which she could hardly step on before, had improved. The next day she was on the Blue again and the pain in her ankle was completely gone. So we both celebrated my birthday in good health. A friend of mine from Canada came to celebrate, and his back hurt on the plane. So he treated his back right here at our place. And now, in addition to our whole family, my wife, for whom I originally bought it, is being treated at her Modrásek (Mr. Blue).”
Miluse Siedekova
“I am still testing and monitoring the Flow Disc and myself. At night I put the Flow Disc in my drawer under my bed. I keep it approximately in the heart area. The first night I experienced something strange and beautiful at the same time… At about 3 o’clock at night, I was awakened by a sound… it is impossible to describe… and in the area of my heart chakra, a spiral appeared, as if created from the night sky of many, many colours… Since then, at 62 years old, I have been gaining energy. I felt tired all the time and I had no desire to do anything. Now everything is different. Among other things, I’ve started cycling again. Another change is that I can handle the high summer temperatures much better. I never liked the heat. A great investment for me.”
Petr Krizek (mystery school)
“As a lecturer of spiritual development courses, I have gotten into the habit of taking the Flow Disc with me in my car to weekend events and evening classes and I make it available to people before the start of the class because it gives them a nice energy boost. I like the fact that especially at the beginning, when you stand on it, even people who otherwise say they don’t feel much energy yet feel a rush of energy. That’s a big benefit. Everyone (perhaps all I know about) feels very quickly that it does something to them, that is, that energy starts to flow through the body. It feels to me like such a quick kick of earth healing energy through the chakras on the feet, and this can then have different effects on different people depending on what each person needs at the time. It reminds me a bit of the Pharaoh’s sceptres in that way.
I myself have it under my desk at the PC and I have my bare feet on it and it’s nice and soothing.”
Robert Jisa (composer)
“I gave the Flow Disc to a loved one after a few months of use. I am now going to order another one for myself. First of all, I was surprised by the actual feeling of the Flow Disc when I first held it in my hand. It is much heavier than I had anticipated and although I am unable to describe exactly WHY, I felt a strong energy and a sort of instant anchoring that it brought. A feeling of stability. Visually, it is a beautiful object that even as a formerly technically educated person, now a music composer, so also at least partially technically oriented (you can’t compose music using intuition alone) professional, I was fascinated from the beginning in the complexity of the information, the messages, the codes through which it speaks to the environment. When I had it in my music studio, its effect was calming but mainly balancing the energy flowing through the space. I felt better focused, less tired and a certain pleasantly active calm. It also created an atmosphere of energy and stability in the bedroom. It was as if it could be neutral in moments when one is alone with oneself and actively encouraging in moments when the body lacks energy and needs support.
Overall, I am convinced that the Flow Disc is a good tool for stabilizing both body and soul and I would recommend it as a gift anytime.”
Linda Samaraweera (choreographer, dance and yoga instructor)
“I find the Flow Disc visually pleasing. But I like to use it the most during meditation, I sit on it and very quickly I start to feel that more energy is flowing through my spine, that the energy channel in my spine is opening up and strong energy is flowing up from below (without Flow Disc during meditation this feeling also sometimes occurs, but not always, and not so quickly… usually during meditation without Flow Disc my physical body dissolves, so no spine plays no role anymore…).With Flow Disc it is similar to acupuncture, but in acupuncture I feel a weak flow in the meridian where the needle is located, when I sit on Flow Disc I always feel it in my spine. It is also nice to stand on the Flow Disc, then I feel the energy flowing upwards through my legs. Otherwise, I keep the Flow Disc under my bed, I find it comfortable during sleep. However, during my period I had to put the Flow Disc to my feet (it was originally at my head) and I felt that during my period the upward energy was too strong because of the position of the Flow Disc at my head, after I put the Flow Disc under the bed to my feet, the menstrual pains stopped.”
Sarka Novakova (Access Bars therapist)
“We are getting used to each other. First knowledge with Flow Disc: in the evening I sat with it, in different ways, with my feet on it. As I went to sleep, I realized that I felt different. It was as if my condition had been elevated. Inner peace was greater, contentment, insight, well-being, all from different levels. Expanded, bigger. A perception of myself as if more in unity and awareness of connections.”
Alena Kucerova
“I have Flow Disc at home, we’ve been introducing ourselves for a while, and now it’s a friend by the couch. I think it has given me peace of mind and that’s a big deal with me. It’s probably given me two migraines as well, which always put me out of order for a day, but that’s going to be kind of the kick that shifts me. Warning. I know what to do, at least I think I do. I definitely notice that if I’m in direct contact with Flow Disc, I see more sharply, and by a lot. It’s nice to be one of the first in something, I never even hoped for that. I’d love to have a Flow Disc on my desk too, but when I put it there it takes up a lot of space and it doesn’t fit anymore with food for the family. Would you consider a smaller size?
And when you lie on it, it relaxes your chest beautifully.”
Jana Michalkova
“My strongest impression was immediately after unpacking the Flow Disc. Mine (Dragon Skin) already appealed to me in the photo, but after unpacking it was love at first sight. I still can’t get enough of it. And the energy that came out of the Flow Disc was incredible. I’m not a person hypersensitive to energies, I’ve been working with them for years and something doesn’t “defeat” me right away, but here, right after unpacking, I felt a lot of pressure on the third eye. It went to the point of dizziness, it was such a force. So dating was done carefully . At first just looking and caressing, then I put my feet on it carefully and briefly while working on the computer. At first I literally felt a burning sensation on my feet, as if I put my feet on a hot radiator. I have had the Flow Disc for a short time and only this weekend she dared to step on it for a moment. I can feel the energy passing through my body, releasing me from tension. And yesterday I put the Flow Disc in the bedroom for the night. Far from the bed for now. Tonight I thought of leaning it against the wall, for me to see him from my bed Flow Disc “Dragon Skin” glows in the dark with swirling colored arms. It’s wonderfully soothing. I could feel the intensity of the light changing. It was as if she was growing stronger and losing herself, and it wasn’t the fickleness of the bedroom darkness. There is nothing that “lights up” the darkness more, for example from the windows outside. It didn’t disturb me in my sleep, but in the morning I didn’t want to get out of bed at all. And what is also strange, I usually remember dreams or at least fragments, but today nothing. Just deep sleep.”
Richard Syncak (co-author of Flow Disc)
“Lately, I’ve been enjoying working with the Flow Disc this way too: I lean the Flow Disc against the wall and look at it. After a while I start to see different things. The first time it happened to me, I started to see something different with each eye. I’m very I was scared. I lost my balance. I preferred to lie down and hope it would be fixed. After a short time, about 20 minutes, my vision came back together and everything was “fixed.” I did not let this discourage me. The next days I was in he continued. Gradually I began to see various images and various perceptions (messages) from other realms.”
jirka inkateo vesely (co-author of Flow Disc)
“After about three-quarters of a year of developing and testing the Flow Disc, I thought of trying to put the Flow Disc under the postman and sleep with my head on it. The first two nights I was excited. Because higher beings came to me during my sleep at night and pulled me out of my body and explained things about the Flow Disc. The first night they explained to me what the Flow Disc could do, and the second night they showed me how the colors of the Flow Discs worked. During my contact with them, I was well aware of everything. But after waking up, I didn’t remember much. One piece of advice I but I remembered it, and so strongly that I shall never forget it. It was their very last piece of advice. It was as if it was the very intention to exalt this last piece of advice, or sentence, above all the previous ones, for the last thing they said to me, it overrode everything that had been said up until that point. As if to express that everything that had been said before that was unimportant against what they wanted to tell me in conclusion. Finally, the beings said this: THE GREATEST GIFTS THAT A FLOW DISC BRINGS TO MAN , DEPENDS ON HIS ABILITY TO REJOICE. Dot. They disappeared after this message. Well, the interesting thing is that after another third night, I got a very bad headache. I had to put the Flow Disc away from the pillowcase. Everything that was needed has probably been said. Turns out the Flow Disc was so close to the head, during the night, too strong even for me.”
Jana Horka (Caravan Center Hykro)
“When I look back, the Flow Disc brought me a joyful calm. Maybe it helped us finish something in the company as well. We had a really hectic year, but when I walk by the Flow Disc, its presence caresses me. It sounds strange, but I don’t know how describe it. I’m just happy with it. When I buy, for example, new shoes, the joy is momentary, but with the Flow Disc it’s constant. It brings joy. And after I watched the Flow Disc video, what’s in it put together and hidden, so I laugh. Things are starting to fit together more for me.”
Petra Stredanska
“I used the Flow Disc intuitively, at first just by placing my hand. I often woke up at night, many thoughts swarmed me, despite trying to keep a clear head. During such nights, I got used to moving to the living room so as not to wake my husband with frequent shaking and nervousness. Ever since I’ve had the Flow Disc, I lay down on the couch, the Flow Disc next to me, and put my hand on it. Instantly, I feel the energy flow, the mind clears, and I stay calm. I’ve slept through the night since then. When I had to create anything in writing, so I was quite nervous about it, because I felt like it was coming off me like a fluffy blanket. That’s when I thought of putting the Flow Disc under the table and my feet on it. I realized that my work at all it doesn’t matter and that I create calmly and with ease.
When something was bothering me and I wanted an answer, I meditated on the Flow Disc and the answer came. My last experience was recently when I had two days of severe pain in my lumbar spine. Pain shot through my thighs and up my back. I tried to avoid drugs, tried natural ways of healing, but I was already desperate. So I sat down on the Flow Disc to find out what was going to happen, whether help would come or confirmation that I should take medication. As soon as I sat on the Flow Disc and took a few breaths and lifted the thought into the cosmos, a warm patch fell off my loins (this was an answer to me that I would no longer need it). At first I couldn’t even bend my legs because of the cramps, but after a very short moment the pain went away and I got the answer why. And I also received the message that He also needs something from me. To go every day to say what I’m grateful for.”
Renata Pourova
“My first experiences with Flow Disc. I came to call him the Golden Angel. The first contact was when unpacking, when I unglued the box, it felt as if a door opened and strong energy could come out. A stream of powerful energy went out into space. The very first impression was harmony. In the evening, I put him next to my bed, that I would slowly focus on his energy and strength, and he literally pulled me out of bed, as if I heard him stand up. The first moment when I stepped on it, there was a huge force in my legs. I felt that energy was literally pouring into my veins, which slowly went up through my whole body, and I grew and grew emotionally until I felt like I was a giant. Next, it completely lifted my hands above my head, where at the height above me was a golden Angel. I grew up to it and then beyond… as soon as I outgrew it, I had a strong feeling of flying, I just flew. Suddenly I had the feeling that the clouds parted and I was with the Sun. At that moment, the energy went through me in a column into the Flow Disc. I felt a great connection between the Flow Disk and the Sun, and I was standing in that energy, an amazing strong feeling of peace, harmony, energy. Since then I have felt great peace.
The next day everything was repeated, the stream of light from the Sun under me and back and me in the stream. This time the energy went from my legs to my back and then all over my body. I can’t fully express the feeling in words, maybe what’s meant to happen will happen. Believing that everything is fine, such a strange calm that doesn’t solve anything.’
Lenka Hoskovec
“My very first feeling was joy, and also that wherever I am, the power and energy always attract me to the Flow Disc. I come home and go to look, touch it, step on it, or when my back hurts, I lie down I sat on it for a while, just motionless, felt the wonderful energy and did some exercises, and when I stood up, the pain was gone. It’s amazing, the feelings really can’t even be described in words, what a person perceives and feels with the Flow Disc.”
Mgr. Monika Pavlikova
“I would like to share with you the first impressions and experiences of our two Flow Discs. One is at our house and the other is at my parents’. Both Flow Discs were priceless Christmas gifts!!! They were still unwrapped under the tree, only standing in a paper box and I was in awe. It ended in a total burst of laughter that my older son couldn’t contain, we were both rolling around laughing, crying and grabbing our stomachs (this was a reaction to a funny toy gift). I’m laughing, but it only happens to me with the support of alcoholic beverages that I would roll with laughter like that. We immediately started testing our perception and I vibrated the most when my man stood on the Flow Disc, he was like a radiator, a transmitter and it threw me on the sofa. When we have the Flow Disc in the bedroom we both have deep sleep and very colorful and exciting dreams that we remember. When my dad stood on the Flow Disc, all his hair stood on end and his eyes widened at me. He was like a light too. Mom she took him into her bedroom the very first night, and in the morning reported that her heart, which had been so angry for quite a long time, had stopped beating. She started calling him Darling. Whoever we put on the Flow Disc, everyone around felt how the radiation spread to the surroundings, as if the Flow Disc had turned on.
So thank you very very much. The parents are enthusiastic and run both sessions and exercises every day. I perceive a great increase in energy, peace and well-being both personally and at home. Our two cats are like wild eggs for a while. Great enthusiasm. Thank you very much for this opportunity and knowledge. We’re still amazed at how it works and how it’s possible.” a person perceives and feels with the Flow Disc.”
Dana Lucivnakova
“Even more than me, my husband feels the effects of Flow Disc, which washed away the pain in his legs after one “session”. Now he is demanding that I lend him Flow Disc again, so I may have to buy another one eventually :-)”
Honza Kuba Adamec
“I truly believe that the Flow Disc cleanses the mind and consciousness, cleanses mobile phones and harmful radiation from them. I will believe that it also purifies food and water. If you have already lost the ability to remember your dreams, believe that you will always want to sleep next to him and that dreams will be colorfully impressive from your life and will tell you a lot of questions that you will think about. So far we are getting to know each other and I am deepening my bond with him. It is better to devote yourself to it longer, then the dreams will be more colorful and will open up our fears and rock-solid beliefs. E.g. today, in a dream, I was picking strawberries from the ground at work and I was bitten by them, and the director fired me for it. I work as a CNC machine operator in a metalworking company and strawberries don’t grow on the ground there 🙂 but it was so impressive that I believed it and then laughed when I woke up that it wasn’t true. The first dream I had with Flow Disc was about Kubík (my son), whom I no longer see. You were playing with me in my dream. I woke up from it unfortunately. But after several years I became convinced that I no longer had dreams, but with the Flow Disc, sleeping is different. He should have some sleep stage expert sleep with him who could describe more.
When you do a rotating massage with your hands on the tips of the hexagonal pyramids, your hands will feel relieved, similar to when you stroke a cat or your beloved animal. Thank you for him.”
Ing. Andrea Polivkova (Feng Shui lecturer)
“I chose the “moon” one, and that’s why I thought that I would have the greatest experiences with it mainly at night. But I was wrong. The experiences also occurred during the day. I had my first experience right after the first use. She didn’t know I didn’t know what to expect, so the flight surprised me. A little while after I sat down on the disk and started to relax and prepare for meditation, I got lost, disappeared, flew away… I understood the saying “But it was a flight !” I have no idea where I was or for how long, but I came back unscathed. Quite surprised, and with a sense of lightness of being. I have meditated on the disc several times since then, and each time it was different. In each case, I found that the disc relieves stress, problems in the head disappear, induces a feeling of lightness…
Sometimes I had to fight with our cat Mikeš. It’s a devilish black cat that took over the disk and refused to let me on it. He even tried to mark it, which translated from cat talk means that he has appropriated it. I also had to contend with my son, who confiscated the disk one day and thus stopped my experiments. It was a nice mela and I managed to confiscate the disc from him in the end. I have it under my bed now. I wanted to investigate if it had anything to do with the phases of the moon. I didn’t come up with anything, BUT it suppresses pathogenic zones, I sleep better, I don’t wake up from bad dreams, I have more energy. Priceless!
I am solving the dilemma, where to go with him? I would prefer to carry it under my arm everywhere with me… when I’m cooking, at work, for meditation, under the bed, on vacation… And I refuse to share both my son and Mikeš, that evil cat.”
Miloslav Latal (transformation guide)
“I bought two Flow Discs. It was at that time that I had an all-day wrapping ritual, during which I released a lot of non-lifers. The Flow Disc did not let me into this ritual at all. In the evening I was quite broken, general pain in the body, muscles, joints in short state after a strong process. By the morning, blocked bronchi, cough, sore throat, cold cold, pressure in the ears, watery eyes. I measured myself on the plasma generator we have. I set what it measured into the program. At the first plasma dose, I already had a Flow Disc with me. We usually give 3 doses. However, after the first dose, I measured that there was nothing left of what was there 8 hours ago. None of what usually makes me this muddy , it didn’t measure it anymore. And I felt 50% better. So I went to test it further. The next day, just rest and meditation in peace at home, no more plasma, with the Flow Disc next to me in bed. Nothing else like herbs, teas, lemons, etc. nothing. Just the Flow Disc, water and I. In the morning I was 90% better, only a runny nose and the occasional runny nose. And on Saturday we already went to the Christmas markets in Dresden.
My experience with the Flow Disc after a long time: It’s a force that keeps getting bigger. At night, “downloads” and work in a dream. In combination with the other things I do, regeneration has sped up. It pre-formats people for me when working with them in person. They get more connections from consultations. He doesn’t know why, but they have a need to sit on Flow Discs or tap them, they take them themselves, I don’t tell anyone about them in advance. And my dog house won’t get off the monthly Flow Disc. I sleep with the black Royal on the left and the Lunar on the right.”
Monika Davidova
“The first impression of the “amazing ball”, as our son Jonaš called the Flow Disc, is that the Flow Disc seemed to bring peace, such a special energy spread throughout the house. I can’t describe it well, it stopped having my headache.I hope we save up for one more.I’m already getting the color I want…Terracotta.”
Ingrid Behounkova
“The first two days we were getting used to each other with the disc. We carried it into the bedroom – I started to remember the dreams more, but they were rather unpleasant.But my sleep has improved, I’m sleeping hard.It glows beautifully at night, draws the eyes and evokes a sense of wonder, peace, joy.Anyone who steps on the Flow Disc feels, depending on their sensitivity, more or less a flow of energy.Someone can’t be in the room with him.The son Joseph, whom you also know, when he comes, he charges up with energy. I am currently using the Flow Disc mainly for healing, harmonizing purposes in combination with the music of Bruno Gröning and absolutely incredible things are happening (standing on it, sitting on it, sitting and having it under my feet, or lying on it,…), exercising and breathing on it during taijiti,… for me it is HEALING!
I just try so many things and I am more and more addicted to it. I put it under my desk when I learn a language online and I feel like I’m getting better at it. Unfortunately, I don’t have that much time to try more or be more aware of what all is going on with the disc, what it affects, what it causes. But we’re well with it.”
Kamil Bersky, M.D. (general practitioner)
“I have a Flow Disc under my bed.Unfortunately, I don’t have physical contact with it although initially I used to bring it from under my desk to under my bed.I have much more drive and mental and physical strength.You can see it in the development of the house and garden and in my work.Truth is attractive and solid to me.I hope for the cooperation of conscious people.”
Helena Slavikova
“Meanwhile, my Flow Disc angel reigns supreme in my bedroom on my round coffee table.The first two nights I had a feeling of some kind of half-sleep, (well, not much), then this feeling passed and I sleep very well.I was also a bit disappointed that it doesn’t light up at night.For about 3 weeks, I checked on him, night after night.The strange thing is that the moment I decided to enjoy it without the light effect, it started glowing at night :o)). Furthermore, if I leave the filtered water on the Flow Disc for a few hours, it is even more delicious, like sweet.”
Dagmar Husakova
“The Flow Disc is under my desk with my feet on it. As a sensualist, I can feel the energy, it burns a little on the soles of my feet and rises up.You could say there’s a pressure.Apparently it pushes the discordant energies under my head because then I have to clear it with the pendulum.But it doesn’t help the injured shoulder.”
Monika Viskova
“I use Flow Disc in therapy sessions with clients when we do relaxation through touch, words and stories. The client has their feet on the disc.Everything flows better and we leave what we no longer need to drag with us.I also use the crystal pyramid.I.e. Pyramid on top, disc on the bottom :-). It’s a blast. Quite often the client gets into a hypnosis-like state. Or some define it as an altered state of consciousness (something like after using plants or mushrooms :-)). Of course, all this is not caused ” only” by these helpers (disc and pyramid), but by the client’s and my work. I also perceive a better cleaning of the space where the therapies take place. No heavy energies remain there. Some clients have been so interested in the Flow Disc that I have put them in touch with you.”
Vera Pecharova
“My experience with Flow Disc: I started practising hormonal yoga at the age of 70, but I had never practised before! Another experience is a pretty deep cleansing of the whole body, and at the same time, I have various dreams that I never had before. They show me that I should be dedicated to healing my inner child. And I don’t know how to say it… that I should be taking care of myself more than about others. After a pretty unpleasant situation, I decided to take care of myself more even though the people around me don’t like it very much.”
Nada Krockova
“I was waiting for my Flow Disc with great joy. And I was very excited for it to arrive. On your website, I read the experiences of other Flow Disc owners, so I was curious how I would feel after unpacking it. I brought it to my office, unwrapped it, finally got to see it … and nothing. No extra feelings, strong energy, or anything else, took place. Well, we’re all different, and I’m not exactly the instantly “sighing” type. So I’m gonna bring Flow Disc home and we’ll get to know each other.
We’ve been getting to know each other for over a month now and the Flow Disc has become an integral part of my life. It’s very beautiful. It‘s my sweetheart. I have it next to me all the time when I still feel the need to run my hands over it. When I’m in pain, I lay on it at the point of pain. When I stand on it, I feel mostly the spinning energy moving me. I’ve tried it in abdominal chakra meditation, and it’s been a ride. I’ve probably never seen such colors in meditation before and the overall feeling of meditation was fabulous. What I feel most strongly, however, are the dreams. I don’t really sleep anymore without Flow Disc. At first, I put it under my bed, but I felt like it wasn’t the right fit. Such a beautiful thing and it’s going under the bed where I won’t see it. I put it under my pillow and waited to see what would happen. Nothing unusual actually happened, but rather I just kept it next to me when I could touch it like this, and more importantly, see it. At night, it lights up. Within two or three days, I realized that I was having dreams that I might not remember exactly, but I was remembering specific people. And it’s a ride. I feel like my subconscious is being cleansed, in a fundamental way. I don’t want to go into details, I’ve had my share of experiences in the past and I suspect and especially hope that I’m finally saying goodbye to the past and it will stop influencing me. With these dreams, it’s like something is leaving. But I’m only just starting out, what a month that is. I’m sure everything around me and Flow Disc is harmonizing. I’m calmer and more balanced. Flow Disc is my big JOY. I am enjoying the fact that we have found each other and that I can feel its effects on me.”
Hana Ondrouchova
“Both Rainbow Flow Disc and I enjoy each other’s company. I take it to different places in the home depending on my mood, feeling and need and it feels very good. It “radiates” beautifully and when I look at it, I have a special feeling of joy and a smile on my face. Even my friends feel it, one warmth, one coolness and others feel its quality and even “something” from the Flow Disc photo.”
Sona Buryskova
“I have to give you credit. You guessed me right, on the Angel Flow Disc!
My first insight: already as I carried the box home from the delivery office, I felt such inner joy, as if I had found the Golden Grail.But what was next… I put it in the car and wondered whether or not I should still go to the gas station to wash the car, or go to the store to get something before I drove home, and a thousand other possible scenarios….And being “adhd” and acting on impulse, I was quite surprised that my inner voice said uncompromisingly – go home. That really surprised me, I don’t really know this in myself. And similarly firm and clear decision-making voices in my head have been “advising” pretty much up until now. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I can evaluate what is important, and what is a priority at the moment. And I don’t really know this for myself, because it’s usually a longer process for me, due to my impulsiveness. With Flow Disc, I’m calmer. You were right that I benefit from calming down, and that’s exactly what the Angel Flow Disc brought me, it even worked just wrapped in the box without me even seeing it yet. On my behalf, a big thank you!”
Daniela Luxova
“I have been going through the Brandon Bays therapeutic journey for a year now and thanks to the Flow Disc, deeply stored programs are opening and entering consciousness much faster, which I can then process in therapy. And yet, when I first picked up the Flow Disc, I had the compulsion to take a long look at it and at that moment it seemed to pull me in (I have a blue one), it was like falling into a blue expanding vortex. It was as if time and space ceased to exist in that moment.”
Jitka Ruth Meier (craniosacral resonance therapist, Austria)
“That Flow Disc, what a powerhouse! When I put it under the bed in the evening, it starts to work on the areas that are affected. It is a powerful healing radiation. It knows exactly which vertebrae need it. But I have to put it away now at the beginning of use. It’s so strong I can’t sleep. I managed to sleep with it the first night (I needed a lot of help then). When I put my feet on it, it is literally a charger for the body. I say to my friend: put your feet on it, well … and she sends me “somewhere” that she has weird states like she should levitate, and that it is scaring her.”
More info after using it for a long time, “I haven’t had any pain since I’ve had it, and I’ve had spinal problems for 29 years and an ankle that’s had three surgeries. I wish I had known about Flow Disc a long time ago, it could have been treating me for longer.”
“When I brought the Flow Disc home I had a headache for a week, (I don’t suffer from headaches so I think it was the fact that we were straightening up). I have been using the Flow Disc for various calming or relaxation techniques ever since. I haven’t had any extrasensory interesting things happen, however I can feel it well. My arms and legs glow when I approach it or lay down on it. However, at home, a few things have come “to the surface” in relationships and family functioning. For a while we were adjusting to it at home, my son was literally on a rampage. He screamed a lot, had tantrums a lot, and my husband and I weren’t rosy either. Gradually, however, things calmed down…. AND I GOT PREGNANT!!! AFTER 8 YEARS OF TRYING TO NO AVAIL. I put it out of my mind a long time ago, I didn’t consider it possible at all. So the changes it brought us were really profound… Julie””
Gabriela Pekarova
“The Flow Disc I received is really beautiful and I felt its positive effects immediately as a relief from my foot pain. I can feel its gentle vibrations when I am near it.”
Jana Cahova
“First impression after unpacking the Flow Disc: It’s already in my home, specifically under my feet. But soon I will have to put it away because the energy is too much for me. When my husband (who didn’t know what it was) took it out of the packaging and took it in his hands, within two seconds his facial expression changed to one of absolute amazement and emotion: ‘God, I feel such a strong vibration! What is that???”I have read the reviews and am looking forward to getting to adapt to and playing with the Lavender Flow Disc.
And I feel strange – like I’m blending in with other people who also use their Flow Disc. I am touched, you have given birth to a beautiful being.”
Rostislav Blazek
“Providence cannot be deceived. I originally wanted to buy a Flow Disc just for my wife. But one order turned into two orders. The experience with Flow Disc is not easy to describe. At the moment my awareness of myself as a being, here in this moment, and time, is hard to believe. Things are happening from exercise, which I’ve always somehow blown off just to not accidentally miss something, to the health state. My teeth made it clear to me how it really was with me. Now I finally know that everything starts and ends with me. Taking a moment for myself is not enough, I need to go deeper to myself, to my essence, to my soul. Plain and simple, your wonderful product has shown me how I really feel about myself. Everything has changed for me since I stepped on it. In the morning, automatically without having to, I go and get on the Flow Disc and work out. It guides me, it shows me clearly what to do and how to do it. It’s just great. Dreams come with a clear message. During the day I know what to do and how to do it. The family clearing takes place. Thank you and infinite providence as well.
I read that the Flow Discs are apparently connected. It is indeed so. Just have it in the room and everything around it cleanses, at night it glows, well what am I going to write to you, you know that.
The best part is that I sort of wanted it for my wife, for her to shift, to work on herself, to finally see it, and yet I needed it. Me personally and about myself. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I will recommend Flow Disc if I may to anyone who wants to work on themselves.”
Ivo Smutny
“I tried putting a Flow Disc under my bed. The next morning, my back hurt terribly. I thought I’d done something to the disc that I’d been sick with for a year. I was broken, tired and seemed to have no energy all day. The next day was much the same, only a little better. Then I realized I actually had a Flow Disc under my bed. And after consulting with you, I moved it to the dining room. The next day, something happened that I absolutely cannot understand. I woke up completely and utterly without back pain as if I had never had a back problem. In addition, I physically worked in the garden all day, shovelling, mowing grass, working… incredible peace of mind. Back to zero, nothing, like I never had anything to do with it. I was very excited and intrigued by that. So I thought I’d start putting my hand right on the Flow Disc for longer periods of time, like when I was lying down and falling asleep.
I have incipient arthritis, so I just gave it a try. As a result, my hands stopped hurting. Unbelievable. And that’s not all, I recently had a check-up with the doctor. He took my blood pressure at 120/70, which I haven’t had in a long time. I have a kidney transplant and I’m on immunosuppressants. Based on the improvement in my blood pressure, the doctor lowered my dosage. I’m freaking out. I don’t get it. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR EVERYTHING SO FAR.”
Stanislav Hula
“After buying the Flow Disc, I tried to follow the advice of its makers, so I left it unpacked on the living room floor and didn’t feel any major changes. On about the third day, before going to bed, I put the Flow Disc on the floor in front of my bed (about 1m away from it) and I was told exactly where to put it and also that the energy would work in the Torus, i.e. in that little wreath, and that it would work exactly as it should. I stopped having strange dreams and the night went very well. After a while, my older son, who does kickboxing and tends to be quite battered, came over and I showed him what I had bought and told him to try it. He stood on the Flow Disc, exhaled, and calmed down, I told him it was best when he was in Alpha, to let him feel the energy rising from his feet up. Within about three minutes he says, well, I can’t believe how I feel. Well, when he felt the energy rising to the top of his head, he got off the Flow Disc and we didn’t talk much more about it. He said it was amazing. He called me the next day and said it was unbelievable that he wasn’t in any pain at all.
I’m not entirely sure, but in the time I’ve had the Flow Disc at home, and I’ve had it completely under my bed about twice now, various sensations have changed, like the dreams that I think I’m in another dimension or in a parallel dimension that isn’t even very pleasant, they’ve come back, but the Flow Disc is working on my health.
My joints stopped hurting, and it’s true that at the same time I was dealing with a problem with the meniscus in my knee and I was having various tests, but actually, after the first injection after the meniscus injury, when I got the injection in my knee, my other knee stopped hurting. I think Flow Disc adjusts my health all the time because the feelings have fluctuations, including different pains and things like that, but then they don’t come back.”
“One more interesting thing. The first thing I did after buying the Flow Disc was to put it under the pots of dying plants I had at home during the first two days. And in about 10 to 14 days, the plants completely popped up and now they’re beautiful.”
Oldrich Slovak
“I had a great experience with my Angel Flow Disc.
I had a blocked cervical spine, and pinched nerve, for several days and by placing my hands on the Flow Disc and using meditation, my cervical spine was completely released without medication. There is a beautiful relaxing energy emanating from this Disc. It’s so powerful that I had to put it out of my bedroom for a few days. It glows beautifully at night, it’s great. I’m very happy with it.”
Tiya Hasko (quantum regression therapy trainer)
“My own experience: the Flow Disc is truly an amazing tool for personal growth and shift, everything it does and can do is absolutely unique and beneficial. However, it must be noted that Flow Disc first and foremost CLEANS! It is important to realize that if something can bring us to a natural state of “point zero”, then total purity of spirit and purity of energy is also essential for this state. And this is what Flow Disc can do.
It “opens” each person exactly where certain things need to be resolved and healed. It guides him where something still hurts, where something weighs down and where everything is not as it should be, for complete physical, mental and spiritual health. Flow Disc is an absolutely brilliant creation and I thank the divine plan that led me to it.”
Ivana Kocanova
“The first time I came in contact with the Flow Disc, I touched it with my hands and after a while I felt a crackling in my body, like electricity crackling, and then a flow of energy, like when I’m in places of power, or temples. In the evening we were at an ecstatic dance and I couldn’t relax and dance. I used to have this condition when I was among a large group of people. Intuitively I stood on the Flow Disc and it took me a while to be able to focus and take it in because even the floor was shaking as people danced around, but after a while I disengaged and focused on myself and let the energy from the Flow Disc flow through me. When I went back to dancing, I was feeling the music differently, the sound of the drums and the music made my body move and I relaxed and let my body move in time with the music. It was a beautiful experience, for the first time in my life my body merged with the music. I could still feel my body vibrating when I got home.”
Zuzana Höher (Hungary)
“He’s great into the rise, fellow Flow Disc.
A lot has happened since he got into my private life. Mega powerful, pure in the truth, mass cleansing of various realities in my presence. It is a picture, brutal until it tears parts of the general understanding in love, which also shows in the vibration of understanding of each of us. THANK YOU FOR MY FLOW DISC. I am not able to write all the changes. It’s so sensitive, almost brutally hard … …humorously performed as “Circus Maximus.” I’m on board and “HE” is my harmonizer and I’m with him. There are obvious incentives of my strong armour and influences. He’s there in the background. He influences my energy, the reality in experience. He is my friend in relation to my energy, but he is not my master. I remain in my heart in love.
The Flow Disc is a 24-hour vibrational element for the individual. It is like medicine… in a personal, individual and trusted setting of self-healing, … through the FLOW DISC.”

Michaela Cerovska
“That invention of yours, the Flow Disc, is a MIRACLE OF MIRACLES.
Apart from the fact that of course I can feel the energy from the Flow Disc and there is no doubt about that (I can physically feel its emanations up to one metre away), I put tap water on it, a 25-year-old pipe, certainly full of deposits, and after 30 min on the Flow Disc, the water makes bubbles and has rainbow reflections.I should point out that it is cloudy and takes place in the early evening with no light. The water tastes so much better.
Much gratitude for this gift. Regards to Michaela Cerovska.”
Alena Jakubova
“I have had the Flow Disc for over a month now.
I bought it mainly for my husband and the overall relaxation in the family. I had it for a week at my daughter’s house and she brought it home. The first introduction was a great energy boost. It cleared my head and third eye. Ten minutes was enough. Later I could stand on the Flow Disc longer. My memory has improved since I’ve been using it, I’m being completely truthful, but not everyone is excited about it. The Flow Disc picks a spot in my body, on my body, every time, and I feel a slight tingling sensation and later relief.
Overall, the mentality of the family has calmed down, the grandchildren are relaxed and happier. My husband relaxes for 1-2 hours after lunch over Flow Disc. He has calmed down slightly and I hope his health is improving, but I don’t expect much from him. The eternal pessimist. Thank you so much.”